Thursday, April 05, 2007

Life: (insert some exisitential shit here)

Life is supposed to be so much to many all the time. We are always told to be thankful of what we were given and keep moving.

That's fine and good. Til you get older and start to think for yourself and start to do some research on what you really like and what you dislike and what you believe in.

Its scary when you think about in the great USA. With so much shit going on in other countries. People killing each other or worse. People dismembering each other or peoples children. People torchoring each other. So many tears. So much hatred. And for what?
A God that no one can prove. An afterlife that not one person can confirm.

I have 4 sons. And I am petrified to the point of wanting to defect to Canada of someone...some utter insane fanatic killing or hurting my children for nothing more then being American.
The "Ethnic Cleansing" that people are all about...don't they see what that causes? What pain and suffering it all causes.

We are all here. No one is better or worse at all. Period. If you believe in God then you have to believe that we are his children. And if you believe that...then you must think of it that way.
As a parent when 2 of your children fight you stop it. You never let them hurt one another and you give them both a stern talking to about the fact that they are brothers and should love and look out for each other. Period. Not in accordance to who is right or wrong or better or older or younger or has blue eyes vs brown. PERIOD.

How do you explain this to a Zealot?

Dear God...if you are listening...please help to calm the zealots and the fanatics that are out to hurt the rest of us.



Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:24 PM  

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